for those of you complain about your internet speeds...

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • ...just know i am the world record holder at the moment for the worlds slowest internet where music buffers, websites barely load, messages on discord actually take time to send, images barely load and i can barely if at all connect to minecraft servers because the connection keeps timing out.

    pinging servers with -t or -n can be useful to get an average ping to a server

    last screenshot i took of my server list to TF. this is not anything to do with the server.

    self explanitory

    Occasionally when i open teams for my college

    Discord ping when the ADSL goes down, i presume it is capped at 5k. conversations nowadays in vc are normally above 1k ping, i dont have a screenshot on hand

    among us - self explanitory

    im just saying this because i hear people moaning about 50MB/s or even 10MB/s like bitch i would unironically kill for those speeds im sat here with 50KB/s if im lucky.

    sky should be upping our plan next week and ensures a minimum of 9.2MB/s. if they're unsuccessful then i pray my parents take the time to fuck them off, im sick and tired even if i am not the the person who pays the bills i think its your duty as an ISP to not charge £100 a month for barely working services. for those i haven't told sky for atleast two years have not offered a plan upgrade for 2 years when it was available.

    we've had technicians out to check our connection and was told there was nothing wrong despite the router logs saying otherwise claiming the ADSL was down and disconnected us from the internet. there was FTTC here for 2 years in my area (i have checked this) and was not offered once when people came out to check. its only now this time a lady on the phone was nice enough to bring it up.

    im sorry i just had to rant how terrible this shit is, its become a personality trait of mine its that bad. i always see others with functional internet complaining to some extent. and able to watch and do streams on discord and shit. im sat here barely able to fucking watch a youtube video at 144p because its always fucking buffering. its a miricle that i can even load the forums or discord to complain about this, and to keep a record of this bollocks.

    if i get any more screenshots of sky fuckup between now and when i get an upgrade. ill update the thread.

    its funny when i go to post this too and this happens

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • @SupItsDillon#1277 given those speeds on sky odds are they are in the same shit position I am where there's adsl or bust... It's shit tbh


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • @SupItsDillon#1281 yeah 4g is also really poor here... Would have to set something up at the bottom of the driveway which isn't ideal.

    Decided its easier to move out and buy a house 😂😂😂


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • I feel you, I had STC ISP for almost 5 years with a maximum speed of 200kb/s, and every time we ask for them to fix it they just tell us it's an issue with the router being old.

    I upgraded to 5G when I moved a couple of days ago, the best choice I have ever made. I guess it depends on the area you're in, I suggest looking around for better ISP because sky seems to be shit rn.

  • @SupItsDillon#1290 As I've discovered it has to be a lot of houses and generally a lot of houses in a fairly large area. If it's tagging on to something nearby it's not so bad but if you're in a village like I am with no Virgin Media for a little way it's near impossible it seems.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • You think you have bad wifi? Nobody has had worse internet then when I had Optimum Online with even 300 mbps speeds and their shitty ass customer support couldn't figure out what was wrong and this persisted for over a YEAR. Turned out those wallet-rapers (bill was over 150$ a month!) gave us a shit router so I got a new high end router and got verizon gigabit because the amount of pain those crackheads caused. A much needed improvement from this.

    P.S. Anyone in the NYC metro area, avoid optimum. They fucking suck.

    I am the crown champion of horrible wifi.
    Good luck beating this.


  • A few years back I did an internet speed test while I was at a camp and it was literally dial-up speeds.

    I had to contact family using the Lite version of Facebook Messenger because I didn't have service. Surprisingly, however, I was able to load the old ProBoards forums even if it was slow as shit.
