Commands logging bugs

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  • Bug 1

    /title and /tellraw aren't logged when ran from telnet.

    To reproduce:

    Run /tellraw or /title from Telnet

    Bug 2

    Console commands in a region aren't logged. This may be something that we cannot change.

    To reproduce:
    Create a region and set the flag 'console-command-on-entry' to a command value. If an OP walks into the region it will execute the command but not log it.

  • Quote

    @Ashaz#17622 /title and /tellraw aren't logged when ran from telnet.

    from my testing it appears as if any vanilla minecraft command, when run from telnet, does not send out the "{player} issued server command: {command}" message into the server logs, i don't know if theres any real way to fix that unless we did something weird like moding the server jar or something

  • Neither of these are strictly speaking bugs, they're just features that other developers have implemented differently than we would like. #1 happens because we currently don't have any influence over vanilla commands. #2 happens because console-command-on-entry is executed directly by the server rather than by the player.

    On a technical note, we might be able to catch both of these cases with ServerCommandEvent.