Urgently need a router

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  • So basically some of you know I have a UniFi setup. It's a USG connected to a USW-8-150W which is connected to a few APs, my computer, and a raspberry pi.

    So I think my USG is failing. There is a loud noise coming from the router. It also almost smells like something inside burned but I don't see any visible damage. I'm really sick of Ubiquiti and don't want to spend a cent more on any of their products. I theoretically could buy a Dream Machine Pro as a replacement for $400 and throw my cloud key out the garbage. But I was hoping either Steven or wild would know better. I'm confused because wouldn't I need a UniFi router to use my UniFi access points and switches? I'd rather buy something like Aruba or pfSense, but I have no idea if or how any of it would work with UniFi. How would the router know how to communicate with my access points? I'm really confused on how this works and UniFi seems to just sync everything together. This is the second day in a row that the internet has been dying and I suspect the router because a direct connection from the wall works fine. Any suggestions are appreciated, or even just an explanation on how a different router would work with UniFi. Kind of desperate because stuff takes forever to ship here and if the router dies we can't go a week without the internet. Thanks

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  • wild1145 November 2, 2022 at 6:40 PM

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