Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • I just had a great idea

    what if we add /sudo, not for trolling but so if a griefer griefs something, and admin can freeze them, /sudo to make them //undo

    so they undo the grief and it fixes right and we don’t have to use a messed up coreprotect or /gtfo system

  • Admins can already /gcmd to do the same thing. The issue is depending on when it happens you can end up with CoreProtect in an even worse situation which is why letting CoreProtect roll the player back with /gtfo makes far more sense most of the time.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Quote

    @UnderTails#14988 what if we add /sudo, not for trolling but so if a griefer griefs something, and admin can freeze them, /sudo to make them //undo

    Years ago (before the days of CoreProtect), this was actually administrative protocol. You'd //undo and it would undo their edits a certain amount.

    Those days are over, and we already have /gcmd.



  • @UnderTails#14992 Because that's what /gtfo does... It triggers a roll back.

    And we don't use it because why would we? It ends up keeping a bad player on the server longer and allowing them to do damage elsewhere, while often actually getting CoreProtect in a less consistent state because /gtfo will still trigger the coreprotect roll back, which may no longer be up to date if you've just forced the player to undo worldedit builds.

    The solution here is to have WorldEdit properly log to CoreProtect with AWE, not to try to override the default TFM behaviour which is intentional and by design.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • @wild1145#14994 that’s why i said we should freeze them

    its not a rollback it’s //undo which doesn’t coreprotect grief builds

    when i //undo the data in stairs, glass panes, slabs etc. is saved

    if we did that instead of rollbacking them which doesn’t work it would make saving builds possible

  • @UnderTails#14995 Freezing doesn't stop them performing worldedits...

    You're missing my point, you're trying to solve a problem which shouldn't exist, and wouldn't if we fixed WorldEdit (Which we are working on).

    Yes, //undo will work with state, because that state is stored for the duration the player is online (Which means they'd leave mid way through the //undo a lot of the time from experience) and because it's only in WorldEdit state is not an issue.

    The solution here as I've already said is to fix the integration between AWE and CoreProtect, not bypass the current setup we have in place, where this will almost certainly do more damage than good anyway.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • @UnderTails#14995 A few things.

    • We've already isolated the potential cause for the CoreProtect issue (BlocksHub sucks) and someone is looking into fixing it.

    • The problem becomes a matter of record. //undoing something fucks with the record.

    • They can use //brush regardless of their freeze status.


  • @videogamesm12#14998 it’s been 8 months and i don’t think a single person believes it’s ever going to be fixed at this point

    i think what we should do is get creative and think of different ways to fix griefs

    • i think it’s worth a try and a griefer might think they can’t do anything if they’re frozen
  • @UnderTails#14999 It was only reported at the start of this year... And it's not been a simple thing to resolve, because of the circumstances we have found ourselves in (Massive churn of developers, plus this being a very complex issue, plus there being higher priority critical issues to resolve). As I said to you before, we've now got to the point where we know what's wrong, and have options to make it right going forward, and we're trying to actively get something in place that is a good solution.

    So we can either make this suggestion a thing or we can fix the root cause, I think everyone would agree fixing the root cause rather than putting a bandaid on the problem is the right answer...


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Quote

    @UnderTails#14999 it’s been 8 months and i don’t think a single person believes it’s ever going to be fixed at this point

    We literally just did testing a few days ago and established a very possible lead (an outdated version of BlocksHub).


    @UnderTails#14999 i think what we should do is get creative and think of different ways to fix griefs

    I think this is a risky way of doing it. //undoing won't do any good if the griefer leaves (and therefore wipes all of their session data) before we can //undo them. It also has a good chance of borking the CoreProtect record (which the cause for all sorts of problems already).


  • @videogamesm12#15004 well if the griefer doesn’t leave we should try it

    its not a solution to the problem 100% of the time but it can really help out some people

    if nobody else wants this to happen i would love it for myself personally

    i don’t give a shit about lost coreprotect data because when a griefer is banned i always beg the admin not to rollback so my builds aren’t fucked further

  • @UnderTails#15006 You've lost all hope.

    In short, I won't allow dev time to be spent building a hackey work around, and I won't encourage or even instruct admins to try to //undo worldedit greif in this way because at that point it puts a significantly higher risk that when they do then /gtfo the player, the builds that were damaged will be in a significantly worse state than before.

    We'll do what we can to fix the root cause, or put a more permanent solution in place rather than tactical "Fixes" which like this, do nothing to solve the actual issue.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Quote

    @UnderTails#15007 well if the griefer doesn’t leave we should try it

    "Hey, griefer! Could you not leave for a few seconds so that we could roll back what you did? What do you mean no??"


    @UnderTails#15007 its not a solution to the problem 100% of the time but it can really help out some people

    The solution causes more problems than the problem itself.
