Auction House - Sell OP items for coins

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  • @StevenNL2000#14765 Speaking of which, we could end up with using the existing eco plugin that takes care of the money as a way to pay for items in the Auction House, and maybe we can allow Coins and Money (from eco plugin) to exist as currencies you may use in the Auction House.

    We could have two commands for each of these currencies:

    • /ah sellm (Sells for money, a currency you can change with /eco)
    • /ah sellc (Sells for coins, a currency you can only earn through voting and other means. No manual changing otherwise, like /coins set * 3000)

    Maybe with the duality of the Eco plugin and the coins in the Auction House; it can improve the general overview of the Auction House.

  • @IxGamerXL#14803 The eco plugin is available for everyone to access, i.e an OP could set their balance to 9,999,999 with a command. This would make the auction house redundant as you can buy anything you want by just adding more money to yourself.

  • @wild1145#17046


    @IxGamerXL#14694 @Fleek#14693 While that suggestion has similar functions to this suggestion, this suggestion allows you to buy items from anywhere with a single command. You could say this could surpass that suggestion, but that suggestion (from what I suspect) is about placing signs to chests to act as shops, and that kind of feature would not have expiring items.

    In an unbiased view, I'd say that both of these would be fine to implement at the same time, since they both coverup the other's downside.

  • Given the thread I linked does cover both scenarios (Signs and /auc) I'm going to deny this as a duplicate.

    For reference FS-8 is to add a /auc command setup where players can auction items for coins, with FS-9 being to add signs for auctions of items using the coins system.


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