Executive Server Liaison Position Open

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • I'm going to open this to Senior admins first, and possibly then extend this to standard admins as well.

    The position for Executive Server Liaison (ESL) is now vacant and I'm looking to find someone suitable to step up to take on the position.

    The role in short is around player engagement, retention and advertising along with working with our associated servers.

    There is no formal application for this, I'm keen to let people reply to the thread and give me a bit of an idea as to why they feel they are best fit for doing this role going forward.

    In 72 hours I'll consider if I want to open this to admins as well, and no longer than 1 week after that applications will close.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Given the lack of senior admin interest, I'm opening this now to all admins.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Introduction

    I believe I am most suited for the ESL role due to a number of factors. The primary and most substantial being the fact that I am the most active and involved server liaison from an advertising point of view.

    I have already made substantial progress in my plans for improving player retention, player garnering, and current player involvement. I am fronting ESL funds from my own pocket, and I am doing this alone. I have thorough and in depth plans and documents created on how to improve this server's player base; having fore fronted the Event Host revamp, advertising push, and even offering to pay for a complete brand redesign from a top graphics design company.

    I worked alone for the majority of the advertising plans - Darth had little to no input and Lyicx did not even know there was an advertising plan in place. I have made it abundantly clear that I will do what is best for the server through my involvement in the TF SMP and GMod expansions.

    On my own server, I gathered a solid player base of 15 dedicated users in just three weeks of opening. I also had about 50 new joins every 4 days, managing all of this in just three weeks. One of the main reasons Darth hired me as AESL was because of my extremely cogent skills as an advertiser. He had seen this first-hand with my success on URF and other ventures of my own.

    My Plan

    My plan revolves around three phases.

    • Player Regeneration
    • Player Retention
    • Player Agglomeration

    Player Regeneration

    The first phase involves pushing our advertising to its fullest. Upon becoming ESL, my first plan of action would be to pour much more money into our advertising fund. I have gathered data and information on the best ways to advertise our server. Instagram advertisements seem to be the most fruitful, and give us the best bang for our buck at around 4,000 impressions reached per £6. That means that if I put in my normal advertising budget of £50, our total user impressions skyrocket to 33,300. I have done my research on tags and users to target, and found that a whopping 1.2 billion impressions are up for grabs with the tags "Minecraft", "Gaming", "Servers", "PC", and "PC Gaming".

    This phase will be completed once we have an average of 50 players online. If we do the above, that should take us 3.4 months, given we replenish our advertising every week (which I will do).

    Player Retention

    The player retention phase includes my idea of a daily minigame server. Events will be abolished and a new server will be created for the playing of minigames. This phase will only be implemented when we have a solid average of 50 players. The idea is that as a community, we can bond through these daily minigames. They will not be running all day, and will only be available for a specific time period - so as to keep that magical minigame atmosphere.

    If we have 50 players on average, and even 25% of them decide to join the minigames server, that's still around 13 players - enough for a full minigame of player's choice.

    This will retain our current player base, giving them something to look forward to, and something to bond over as a community.

    Player Agglomeration

    This phase will be implemented once we have fully integrated the minigames server as part of the TF realm. It involves grouping all of our player base again, setting a higher target. and restarting our advertising push. Once we hit 50 players as an average, my next goal will be 150 players as an average (300% standard). This means our 50 players will be grouped together, whilst we focus on getting another 100 (200% standard).

    Closing Notes

    If I do get ESL, I will most probably be stepping down as either GMod Manager or SMP Manager. Chances are I’ll step down as SMP Manager as fionn can work on it, but I suspect there aren’t many people who can take over the GMod server. I have worked extremely hard as an assistant. I am positive that lyicx can vouch for that. In depth plans, documents, and flow charts have been created by myself in lieu of rebuilding the server's player base. I am confident in my plan and my ability to better this server, and take it to where it once was - all I ask is that you give me a shot at it.

  • I have been working as an AESL ever since 2020; I have shown interest in claiming this position with the experience I have gained over the months under Darth and with the support of the community.

    My duties as an AESL were always related to community engagements and that's something I really enjoyed doing alongside our community members, I have proven to the community my abilities when comes to advertisement, community engagement and in a likable person in general, a number of people can vouch for my previous work even that my unofficial engagement ways that brought traction to the server and especially the Discord VCs. If I secured this position successfully, I plan to put more time and harshly focus on ways to make our server more enjoyable to the players around and push for more engagements, advertisements and most importantly help the server's reputation grow into something better from what it currently is.

    I plan to put a more harsh focus on making our server more enjoyable to be around on pushing engagement and helping retention, pushing for things like the number of features that are currently blocked to be unblocked. I get round to saying this is a Free OP server, one of the oldest, and pushing for more to do within the server to make people stick around more than half an hour. I get that a role for the suggestions board, the more involved community, and the developer team but I believe to improve the retention, having involvement with such departments as the ECD team to get master builders to help build presentable areas for events and the developer team to back and forth any concerns not expressed on the forums and assist with things like the events server and again to get an insight for situations and provide feedback to and from the public. admittedly that last part can probably be done by themselves once a lead dev is in place but regardless of my point here, as convoluted as I've made it out to be is to be a sort of middle man and provide communications.

    Pushing for more events provided by our newly found event host team for at least 3 main events or so a week, which will normally be along the lines of your traditional Build battles, Spleef, and even the PvP., which will hopefully come in the future events server as we could likely use a mix of both the new events server and sometimes occasionally the main server or the few game mode dedicated servers we have (SMP & GMod). We can fit in some actual discord events in the mix too. in the past, I've held two major events different from the usual build battle we used to do. I do help out with organized with certain community members and hopefully, in the future, we can have more special one-off events such as the recent https://forum.totalfreedom.me/d/656-smp-spaw…y-project-event https://forum.totalfreedom.me/d/1179-easter-…event-4th-april

    One of the things I also want to value if I ever get tenure as ESL is Transparency and community input as I feel this is an important part of this job is to be upfront and straight with people and while the killing blow to this whole application will probably be "I can't fund advertising myself as I don't have any form of bank account at this current time" (and yes, I cant at the moment. I know it's ridiculous at my age too). at least I didn't spew on how to pay for advertising and then secretly not paying for it. I also want to take in community input for certain events and see it I can accurately realize these with their assistance. I think showing the community what we're displaying in terms of advertising will help reassure people that things are happening then relying upon a number to scale if the current team is doing a good job.

    As for the actual advertising, I've had a few ideas in my head I've expressed in the past, more as jokes but there is a bit of potential it could work. example being getting partnered with a hacked client which sounds extremely far-fetched but could possibly work if if the attempt is made, pitching a deal to come on here to test hacked clients in exchange to promote the usage of their clients as TotalFreedom has a huge place for this. we've got the usual social media promotional likes, I saw there was high demand for us to expand advertising to TikTok a bit ago and we could obviously utilize our media presence a whole ton more. another thing I've been in the progress of trying to make is an HD Head tutorial of which has been rather difficult since it's prone to breaking, which should bring a lot of traffic to this platform due to there being a huge glut in youtube for a good tutorial for this sort of thing and since you need to come on a multiplayer server for this to work properly, totalfreedom is the best for this with its creative nature and emphasis on freedom.

    My normal antics whether it would be my usual streams where every admin on the planet coordinates on my position like an eagle just to mess around with me or hopping in a VC with my more satirical character that screams at people when there's penis's near spawn are also by themselves a suitable method of some form of engagement as informal or whatever it may be. although i do want to make my streaming more official parts of TF as an engagement method

    Now look, I don't have the fancy charts or a large number of far-fetched statistics and I don't have an exotic advertising plan and all nor do I have too much to back me up but I have made it to this point and I will continue forward to not just benefit this server but to also build new relationships outside of the platform.

    Thank you.

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • For clarity, the application window will close in 3 days time now.

    I will also clarify, I have no expectation for people to fund any work to do with ESL on their own, or spend any of their own money, I know some ESL's have before, but that will play no part in my decision making process because I don't feel it's fair or appropriate to turn this into a bidding war. Please do not feel put off from applying if you can't put money towards the server, as I would never expect folks to need to.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Applications have now closed.

    Due to one or more applicants currently being the subject of an ongoing investigation by the EAO Team the process to appoint the new ESL will be put on hold pending the outcome of that investigation. Once that investigation is concluded we will proceed with the next steps as appropriate.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • The EAO investigation have been concluded with no change to the application process now.

    I've raised a separate thread discussing changes I hope to make to this role, once those are finalised I'll make the appropriate announcement(s) in due course.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK