Ban HD heads in a perimter of spawn

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  • People on low end PCs can suffer when they join the game, a few minutes ago I think eg1 got stuck in a crash loop because of the fact that HD heads were near spawn.

    I suggest a perimeter of 50 blocks.

  • Vouch, I can hardly join the server sometimes as i'm running on a crap laptop, and people feel the need to spam heads around spawn.. naming no names cough  videogamesm12

    Edited: Vouch IF the only heads being restricted are the ones that consist of resolutions above 6k

  • @square#10425 HD Heads cause significantly more lag, because you can change the resolution on the images put onto the head, there's no limit, your PC is constantly trying to render that in such a small space. Multiply that by how ever many heads are put near spawn, and it becomes a lagfest

  • Rather than banning heads within a range of spawn, can we cap the file sizes / resolution?


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Object. This suggestion is the result of people being too trigger-happy after something happens once on the server. Too many high resolution (6k+) HD heads can cause lag, but there are usually very few of them and they can be moderated easily without a rule. Noticeable, consistent frame lag only ever happens when there are around 35+ heads that have a 6k or more resolution. The ones that are just 256x256 images do no damage at all. Just because one person places some HD head with 8k resolutions by the spawn doesn't mean we need to go full on totalitarian and just ban them.

    When I present people with this point of view, they'll whip out the "I'm running on bad hardware" excuse. People don't understand the way these heads actually work - It barely has anything to do with your CPU/GPU or whether you are running on bad hardware. Each time the game sees a new head, it will fetch the image from it, and download the image to your .minecraft folder. The game might stutter for somewhere around 2-3 in-game ticks because of this. However, with many heads, that time stacks up to a grand total of.......about a second, regardless of hardware. After it does this once, it won't do it again, and there will be no framelag.

  • Quote

    @Panther#10444 Noticeable, consistent frame lag only ever happens when there are around 35+ heads that have a 6k or more resolution.

    lyicx What size were the heads that you had in your casino? There were about 6-7 of them.. yet they still caused my game to freeze, and a few other OPs thinking of it.

  • I Object. Only the insanely high resolution HD heads really cause lag when the game downloads the image (think 12k resolution total with each face having 2048x2048) or if a LOT of heads are stacked in a massive cube which would be an obvious attempt to lag people. Sure, the game might freeze up loading up the heads when they're initially loaded by the player but as soon as they're loaded, its fine.


  • @wild1145#10428 If we really need to put a technical restriction on heads, I think this solution would be the least intrusive. Contrary to @Darth#10429's comment, it is not impossible, but it requires the server to download the texture by itself and check its size. This is however not dangerous because HD textures are guaranteed to be hosted on